Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Lady Galadriel

I saw The Hobbit about a week ago, and must say, Cate Blanchett gets more and more beautiful in every role I see her. She was STUNNING as Galadriel, once again.

And then I came into SL and realized that the White Armory had released a new gown, called "Galadrial of Noldar'. 

Must. Have.


Now. Have.

Feast your eyes:


Hair: Truth - Ariel - Pearl
Skin: Dream Ink - Jin
Ears: Illusions - High Elf Ears
Eyes: Unique Megastore
Circlet: Kouse's Sanctum
Necklace: Alienbear - Mimmi
Gown: White Armory - Galadrial of Noldar